Saturday, December 27, 2008

Who is Barack Obama?

Obama is the first African American to be elected President of the United States, as a Senator he helped create legislation regarding lobbying and electoral fraud, climate change, nuclear terrorism, and care for U.S. military personnel returning from combat assignments in Iraq and Afghanistan. On February 10, 2007, Obama announced his candidacy for President of the United States in front of the Old State Capitol building in Springfield, Illinois; And from that moment on, the world was never the same; the choice of the announcement site was symbolic itself, because it was also where Abraham Lincoln delivered his historic "House Divided" speech in 1858.

Here you can see a complete introductory video about Barack Obama:

Throughout the campaign, Obama emphasized the issues of rapidly ending the Iraq War, increasing energy independence, and providing universal health care. During both the primary process and the general election, Obama's campaign set numerous fundraising records, particularly in the quantity of small donations reflecting the strong support from the general public. On June 19, Obama became the first major-party presidential candidate to turn down public financing in the general election since the system was created in 1976.


  1. I do believe Obama is different!! Let's just hope he can actually make a difference!!

  2. There's a time for everything! And it's Barack Obama's time! He is a unique and gifted man. If he is given time and support he will change the face of politics!

  3. hope he can change US to be better,,,,,

  4. Well...I am not the exception I also trust in Obama. Let's wait and see what will happen.

  5. yes, but i think the change is not only limited to the US, because it doesn't matter if we like US or not, what happens there, and what they do affect us all, so i do hope Obama can mean the change the world needs, and that needs more now with this crisis!!

  6. he must focus on economy and foreign policies, taking decisions will be dificult, the most important subject there, is who is around barack in the mean places of the us gobernment, every choice that they are going to make affect us... lets hope for good!

  7. I don see Barack as the first Black president of the US. No, he goes beyond that in the sense that the world has been captured by his election. How many people knew that much about the election of Bush besides the fraud thingy? He is the president of the New Generation. The one that sees things beyond race, religion, ideology, sexual orientation. And this is perfectly what the young genereation is all about. We are seeking a certain kind of social freedom, a state of being where we are no longer hold prisoner by our fears of being inadequate in the society, we want to be trusted and taken seriously. This guys empowered not only the US young genreation but also worldwide.
    He's my president as world citizen.

  8. I think that Obama, do represents a global change. But I also believe that what our own governors do, will have a major impact in our countries, and most importantly what we do, will finally change the world.

  9. Well brother I believe that Obama is the hope of the people in these days of darkness and difficulty. Let’s remember that the most part of the decisions tacked by the USA will affect the world with time. So I am not different from the others, I believe that Obama can be the change, indeed, we have to see what comes in the future, if those beautiful words are going to be more than that, but, I think nothing could be worse than Bush… nothing.

  10. I believe in the work Obama and his team will do for the entire world not only in the USA, it's time for change and we are ready to be better!!! He definitely represents CHANGE and HOPE!!!

  11. Obama represents to be a different politian from the others that has been in the goverment, we the LATINS are expecting the real change that he promises.

  12. Just by being the first African American President in the U.S., Barack Obama changed the history of the U.S.
    Yes, I believe he can make a bing difference, but not miracles! we, ourselves, are the only ones who can make our countries stand out!

  13. First of all Obama had to get focus on The USA not in the world, like Bush did and now there's consequences, change USA and then HELP to change others, he has a big challenge as United states president, the decisions that he has take looks great to star to change, all depends in people around him and what this people want.
    Obama made great speeches but Hitler made Betters!!! Actions are all we need and give us the chance to believe him, and start a new age in USA governments. "Power to the People"

  14. A more realistic question should be: “Is the Mr. Obama the solutions to the United States internal and external needs and problems?” At this critical moment he is part of the solution, but he will need to pull all the American people strength and leadership together to face the matter at hand “the financial and recession crisis” and to recover the fragile credibility in US foreign policy, among others. Indubitably, the now President of the United States of America, Mr. Barak Hussein Obama is an incredible charismatic leader who has inspired many around the world, including me, but he is no superman. As Mr. Obama was quoted in an article published in August 4th 2008, responding to criticisms by John McCain of him being pretentious: “I am an imperfect vessel for this movement. … Every day, as I go through this process, I am more painfully aware of my occasional flaw and foible.” Let’s give him some time and wait for the best, because I agree what affects the US affect us all, but other world leader decisions count as well.
